Sunday, December 23, 2007

Pray for Kent Hovind!!!

He got sentenced to 10 years in jail, for evading taxes. (note: I do not know the facts concerning this severe conviction), but, I and many others who benefited from his Creation Teachings believe this is " religious persecution".
So, Lets claim the keys of deliverance on his behalf. For those that would like to do something else for him, you can sign the petition to Bush (
or write him a note or prophecy.

Kent hovind. 06452-017 Federal prison camp Edgefield. POBox 725. Edgefield, SC 29824. USA

When our people were imprisoned in Argentina, we fought for them and they were delivered. He is one of God's children who has stood up for his beliefs and had a tremendous impact worldwide with his creation videos.

lets help him out!

"If I am crucified, I want people to know why. I want my message to continue. I want people to say wow - Hovind was right! Lets spread these tapes around!" - Kent Hovind ~ audio recording from jail


e-ric said...

I removed a negative post here
which chastening me for trying to help Kent Hovind.

As you see I was asking for prayer for Kent Hovind, who has produced many videos defending & proving God's Word, especially concerning "Creation".

The Devil fights Genesis a lot because he wants to cast doubt on all of GOD's Word!

Apparently this critic as picked some mistakes Kent Hovind has made concerning taxes & other things!

I personally, don't know the facts concerning these accusations.

However, I and many others in CHRIST, believe he has done MUCH More Good than bad. And we also, see his imprisonment as very severe , even if he did whatever it was.

Also, since he was exposing the evil ones who promote the anti-christ agenda, we see if as religious persecution!

The person who wrote the rebuke of me & my article here, did not leave
an e-mail to respond to. They seemed to be Christian, but, I can'y very well respond by e-mail, which I prefer on more intense debates, to see if we can't sort this out and see, "What saith the Lord." Positive Answers always win out!

So, if you, who's article I deleted (sorry, I didnt save it to make a Scriptural Response) If you return here, pls leave aan e-mail. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I read the original comment here and think you're a coward for censoring debate. The commenter seemed to be taking exception to the fact that your uncritical devotion to Hovind is in fact DESPITE your ignorance of his misdeeds (you admit as much in your reply). How can you say you "know" he has done "much more good than bad" when you freely admit you "don't know the facts concerning these accusations".

Go on, delete my comment as well. You give Christianity a bad name.

e-ric said...

Just found this Dear Anonymous!

As far are deleting the other comment. It was because, as I now remember (which is vague at this point) was quite negative & I want this site to stay upbeat & with positive conclusions & I don't mind debate!
Also, I have a time online fact at this point!

About being a coward, God is my judge on that one!

Maybe there is a coward in everyone, just like, there is a clown in everyone, or a braveheart!

I dont think name calling is condusive to positive communications or problem solving!

As far as I have seen in Hovinds works which have been widely seen by our missionary families & children! His good far out weighs his bads!

I know he is a brother in JESUS & a
good teacher! I have seen him. And I discern this by the Spirit of God,,,not by opinions & judgments of unspirtual people!

It seems you have a lot of negatives to say about certain people!

Are you a Christian?

"Love sees the good & possibilities that others don't see"