I never have really been involved in politics except in a prophetic sense, but, I think it wise to take note of the latest new changes in the pre-presidential elections, having Huckabee ( a professing Christian ) and Obama , a sincere-looking afro-american, being the present front-runners!
A brother (editorial writer) has this to say:
Changes in man's society always come from the bottom not the top--changes in economics, politics, or religion, or the earth--because the top does not want to change; it always wants to be on the top. But if they try to seal the pot to preserve the status quo, they cannot, and the pot will explode and destroy because of the fire. There must be this continual change; otherwise there would be stagnation.
Because that which is at the top is the first to ferment, to sour, to rot, and that which is on the bottom is full of dregs, which if allowed to accumulate would solidify and clot the circulatory process, and that which is on the top would become scum and froth and, as in the brewing of a good beverage, it must be constantly stirred to prevent the settling of the dregs or the accumulation of scum, and to insure the equal distribution of all properties concerned, there must be constant change and constant stirring and constant circulation to prevent stagnation-- either by fire or by sword.
God has ordained it that way! It is as sure as the law of gravity: What goes up must come down! And as sure as the law of circulation of liquids and gases: What is down must go up!
David Brant Berg
Also, especially concerning the Christian Right candidate, Huckabee he wrote:
Huckabee, a preacher turned politician, handily defeated Mitt Romney despite being outspent by tens of millions of dollars and deciding in the campaign’s final days to scrap television commercials that would have assailed the former Massachusetts governor.
"No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this World, that he may please Him Who hath called him to be a soldier!" ( 2Tim.2:4 )
Then came the illustration where Lot had become a judge in Sodom, which means a politician or a ruler there, and by being there he was actually hindering the Will of God in trying to save Sodom!
God told him to be a soldier of the Lord, to win souls and not to save their bodies and their self-indulgent, rich, luxurious lives which have so little and no concern for the billions of poor of the World! Talk about the very elect being deceived! ( Mat. 24:24 )